by Mark Enlow



Here is the first distribution of my port of the Quake utilities QBSP, LIGHT, and VIS.   With these utilities, you can create a playable BSP file from a MAP file and a WAD file.   Note that these programs take gobs and gobs of RAM to run!   If one of them crashes it's very likely you need to allocate more memory.

Getting from a MAP file to a BSP file:

Here are the basic steps you must follow to generate a working BSP file:

* First, open your MAP file with a text editor.   Towards the top of the file ( probably the fourth line or so ) will be a line specifing the WAD file you will need.   For example, if the wizard.wad file is needed, it would read:

  "wad" "wizard.wad"

* Remove any MSDOS specific directory information, ie. change "/gfx/wizard.wad" to "wizard.wad".   If you don't have the particular WAD file, it can probable be found at ftp.cdrom.com.

* Place the three Quake utilities, your MAP file, and the WAD file your MAP file needs in the same folder.

* Drag and drop the MAP file onto the QBSP application.   Notice if any errors occured and then quit QBSP.

* Drag and drop the BSP file that QBSP created onto the LIGHT application.   Notice if any errors occured and then quit LIGHT.

* Drag and drop the BSP file onto the VIS application.   Notice if any errors occured and then quit VIS.

Thats it.   The BSP file is now usable with Quake.   For a good description of what each program is actually doing as well as a description of the error message you may get, take a look at The Quake Developers Page.

Command Line Options:

To enable a command line option in one of the three programs, run it by double clicking instead of droping the BSP or MAP file onto it.   Select the desired option from the "options" menu.   A check should appear next to the menu selection when it is enabled.   Then drop the BSP or MAP file onto the application as usuall.   I havn't implimented every option yet, if you need one that's not there yet, just email me.